Janna Wale, Drumnadrochit on the Loch Ness
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By Janna Wale, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

Click here to see Part One of this blog entry.

Growing up, my father made sure my sister and I were capable of survival outdoors. When we complained about the rain, he would tell us we weren’t made of sugar and that we wouldn’t melt in the rain. In recent days, I’ve really been more appreciative of the fact that I am not made of sugar, as the Scottish rain would surely have melted me by now. Good teaching, dad! I’ve already learned not to gamble with the weather; you’ll always lose in Scotland. My host family took me on a cycle down to the Loch Ness when I’d first arrived, and in the sam...

Category: Student Blog
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We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Stories from Abroad: British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship! This year we have a record number of eleven winners selected from various BC institutions. 

Each student will be receiving $1,000.

Read about our winners who are currently abroad below, and stay tuned to see our announcement of our next group of winners who will begin their study abroad experience later in 2017!

All of our winners will be posting their stories from abroad, so be sure to check out our student blog section regularly to read...

Category: News Article
Janna Wale, Urquhart Castle on the Loch Ness
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By Janna Wale, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

Another day coming to a close. I’ll try and keep from letting the sound of rain hitting the roof distract me. That’s one thing that I’ve been loving since I moved to Inverness, Scotland. I just really like the calm feeling that rain brings when the sun has gone down and you can just sit with a hot tea and listen, maybe reading another chapter or two of that book. Or finishing that essay that needs to be started…hmm..

Today was normal. Sort of. I’m still learning all kinds of new things about living abroad in Scotland. Crash courses in adapting to change and culture have been offered here and there over the last few years of my life, with moving around and meeting people fr...

Category: Student Blog
Matthew Hoogwoud
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By: Matthew Hoogwoud, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

“I’m terrified. I have never done something like this before!”

These were the thoughts that were rolling around in my mind during the twelve-hour flight to my exchange destination, Kyoto, Japan. It felt like the longest twelve hours that I have experienced in recent years as I sat nervously in my seat watching the on-screen map move incrementally towards Japan. I don’t even know how to cook properly, I thought.

But I also could not wait to land and see Japan. Once the plane landed and I passed customs, I was greeted by a smiling face and a sign with my name. At that moment, I knew that I was going to be all right.

. . .


Category: Student Blog
